The Immune-Boosting Vitamins and Minerals Found in Matcha Green Tea

Vitamins in Matcha: Addressing Common Nutritional Deficiencies with Matcha Powder, Immune-Boosting Vitamins & Minerals


More than ever, people are thinking about their daily habits and how they impact their health. What can you do to live a healthier life? That's where Japanese Green tea comes in.

There are numerous ways Japanese Green Tea may help elevate immunity and signal the body to ramp up natural defenses through a robust composition of essential vitamins and minerals. 

In the following post, we've compiled a complete list that maps out all the various nutrients green tea contains many of which people tend to have deficiencies in, even if they are generally eating a balanced diet!

All the immune-boosting vitamins and minerals found in Matcha Green tea

What Does Matcha Green Tea Do for Your Immune system?

When you consume matcha, you are getting an unparalleled amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, and more. One of our favorite facts that we believe everyone should know, is that a single serving of matcha tea is reported to contain equivalent potency of antioxidants as would 100 cups of regular green tea! Yes, you read that right!

As would be expected, the health benefits are vast. With its potent nutritional properties, matcha tea may help boost your metabolism, aid your body's natural detoxification processes, calm the mind & enhance mood, and lower cholesterol. Matcha tea provides vitamin C, selenium, zinc, magnesium, EGCG, fiber, chromium, and more.

Matcha supports a healthier immune system too. The antioxidant catechins (a special class of polyphenols) work to boost the immune system against all sorts of health concerns, not to mention it's beneficial effects on metabolism / thermogenesis, as well as improved concentration and cognitive focus provided by L-theanine.

Studies also remind us that matcha may help boost immunity against the common cold and flu virus, because the catechins are thought to help protect our cells from infection by reducing their chance of attaching to pathogens – it might not be unfair to say matcha can help you feel better, think better, and live healthier, too!

Nutritional Considerations for Immunity: Japanese Green Tea Nutrients

Perhaps next in line, is how nutrition and diet influence immunity. Although there aren’t any proven ‘immunity’ diets, that’s not to say essential nutrition goes without benefit.

In fact, there is good evidence to suggest a balanced diet – with all necessary vitamins, minerals, nutraceuticals – is necessary to enact a healthy immune response. Conversely, it’s known that poor nourishment may increase odds of bacterial and viral infections; it’s also common for underlying conditions to make for concomitant nutritional deficits. [1] 

Common Dietary Deficiencies in America

The average American diet is reported to have more than a handful of common nutritional deficiencies at any one time, [2] adding intersection between balanced diet and immunity. Context also includes the question of ‘unnecessarily high doses’ from certain daily multivitamins; often with low absorbent nutrient-forms and bioavailability.

More importantly, since many people are looking to bolster their wellness through diet right now, there are questions of whether multivitamins are effective; it’s also debated whether they are free of potentially harmful interactions. [3] Therefore natural sources (including the option of daily Matcha Tea!) are particularly interesting at this time.

Vitamins and Minerals and Polyphenols in Matcha Green Tea

In order to help understand the connection between healthy diet, nutrition, and the subject of immunity, below we turn to the vitamins and minerals in matcha green tea that we are most knowledgeable about. 

Nutrients in the list to follow are compiled based on the chemical analysis of matcha green tea. It’s composition includes, but is not limited to these critical nutrients: zinc and other essential minerals, B-complex, and vitamins A, C, E, K.

Full List of Vitamins and Minerals in Matcha Green Tea

High quality diet is desirable for effective and more-easily absorbed nutrient forms. Balanced eating emphasizes fruits, veggies, whole grains and legumes. Nuts and non-carnivorous fish are also recommended as healthy sources of healthy fats, omega-3s, and wide ranging nutrition.

Food options may be diverse, but access or taste preferences might be contributing factors towards subtle, often unnoticed nutritional deficiencies. The reality is that those who are more intentional with their diet will fare better, but body-complete nourishment is still a tough nut to crack.

Please note that it’s always recommended to consult with your physician about nutritional status and what options are safe for you, matcha included.


The mineral zinc is one of a number of vitamins and minerals that matcha green tea may help you improve upon. It’s pivotal in the function of numerous enzymes and transcription factors. In other words, it’s involved in powering our metabolism and physiology.

It’s also well-documented for a central role in immune response, where limited supply of zinc may limit healthy immunity. Maintaining recommended zinc levels is reported to lower the incidence of some respiratory infections by more than 30%, as well as shorten the duration of symptoms during infection. [4] 

Each serving of matcha green tea may contain up to 1mg of zinc, or about 10% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA). If your diet is low on sources of zinc, a daily bowl of matcha (or two) may be part of a more complete solution for your nutritional health.


One of the most important enzyme cofactors your body needs is vitamin C. This vitamin is most commonly associated with fruits like citrus, but it’s found in some quantity in most every source of nutrition, including matcha.

It improves the efficiency of enzymes throughout the body and helps protect their functionality. Vitamin C also has antioxidant properties which are helpful to balance inflammatory reactions of immune responses. In other words, it protects the body from damaging itself when fighting infections or injuries. [5]

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, may reduce incidence and severity of respiratory infections, offering ameliorative function in the lungs especially, improving odds against conditions like pneumonia, [6] and offering overall protections for the cardiopulmonary system.

Recommended daily intake starts at about 50mg/daily in order to prevent the condition known as scurvy. However, for ideal health it may be recommended to intake more, usually 500mg-1000mg, especially during times of greater risk of infection where immunity needs to be high. [6] 


With wide-ranging importance for our health (metabolism, antioxidants, immune support), we need to be sure our diet includes sufficient levels of vitamin C. Based on one source, a single serving (~1.5tsp) of matcha green tea may contain more than 10% of the RDA for vitamin C, [7] or nearly 100x that of regular brewed green tea bags.

Unlike black or oolong tea, matcha green tea preserves all of the natural vitamin C levels, which otherwise are reduced by oxidation and fermentation processes. Also, since you consume the whole-leaf with matcha, there are no essential nutrients tossed away like an average tea bag.


Vitamin E is one of the body’s primary antioxidants to protect the lipid layer of every cell in your body, especially fat cells. It has an essential role in regular health maintenance, while reported to serve to protect against common diseases such as cancer and arterial disease. [8] 

In addition, at least one peer-reviewed source mentions vitamin E deficiency as a significant risk factor in compromised immunity; [9] considerations include those who may have specific malabsorbancy, but may extend to the average American with low dietary levels of this essential vitamin. [2] 

The daily recommended intake for vitamin E is 15mg, common sources include spinach, nuts, and vegetable oils. However, because of its chemical structure (in order for its function), vitamin E itself is not a water-soluble vitamin – unlike vitamin C and other nutrients – it’s instead soluble in fat. 


In order to facilitate absorption, consume sources of vitamin E alongside healthy fats, such as spinach salad with olive oil dressing. Also, one single serving of matcha green tea may contain approximately 20% (~3mg) of vitamin E’s RDA, based on a national food analysis by Japan. [10]

That’s reportedly 32x that of spinach by weight. And unlike brewed green tea, which relies on water-solubility of the tea leaves (and nutrients), by enjoying matcha, you are consuming the whole leaf to give the body a chance to benefit from high levels of vitamin E that are otherwise tossed with a tea bag. 


Matcha green tea contains four of the B-complex vitamins. It has significant levels of B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), and B6 (pyridoxine). [11] Each of these are essential for regular health and cellular survival, and have wide reaching effects on how our body is able to deal with stress, and carry out metabolic processes.

Certain groups of people are disposed to low levels of b-vitamins, particularly those with dietary restrictions (e.g. no animal products). Also, certain people have malabsorption of some B-vitamins, [12] where having extra sources for these nutrients may prove advantageous. 

Healthy levels of B-complex vitamins are associated with improvements against a host of diseases and malignancies. Adequate dietary levels of these vitamins can stimulate immune cells and deter microbial infection. [13] It’s also known that the spectrum of B-vitamins are responsible for inflammatory mechanisms to safely protect the body in cases of infection or injury.

Moreover, it’s suspected that a strong dietary basis to elevate levels of B-vitamins may have therapeutic potential for individuals who have auto-immunities or compromised immunities. [14] 

For these reasons, matcha green tea may be an excellent option for those looking to naturally improve their dietary intake of certain B-vitamins.

Vitamin A Content of Matcha Green Tea and Total Carotenoids

It's known that many of the fine aromatics from matcha and green tea are product of natural levels of carotenoids. At least 3 types of carotenoids are involved in vitamin A synthesis, including alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, and beta-cryptoxanthin. In green tea, at least the former two carotenoids are present in measurable amounts.

Not to mention the antioxidant properties of other carotenoid types, of which matcha contains most, it's notable how physiologically active carotenoids like b-carotene and a-carotene are in the highest concentration in green teas that have been processed the least [16].

For example, sencha, tencha, and gyokuro leaves exhibit higher levels of carotenoids than do black or roasted teas. The preservation of active vitamin A precursors in fresher green teas, especially matcha, make for great encouragement for daily dietary needs [16].

Essential Minerals in Matcha Green Tea

Tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world, and regular drinking, like with matcha green tea, is reported to fortify the availability of essential minerals in the diet. [16] Numerous research studies also report that green tea may safely optimize the mineral (and nutritional) status of individuals. Testing has included those with obesity, diabetes, and/or individuals with already low intake of key minerals. [17-18]

Matcha green tea is also noteworthy for higher levels of essential minerals when compared to other loose-leaf teas, such as black and oolong; matcha green tea contains trace amounts of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, chromium, and copper. [16, 19] Research also points to green tea as an excellent dietary source of daily manganese. [20]

  • MANGANESE - Essential for bone growth and development.
  • POTASSIUM - Vital for healthy muscle contractions, including the heart. Also regulates fluid levels within cells. Deficiency may cause fatigue or muscle cramps.
  • MAGNESIUM - Matcha green tea is high in chlorophyll, which is rich in magnesium. Magnesium is essential for bones, synthesis of proteins, muscle and nerve actions, and immunity.
  • CALCIUM - Important for bones and teeth; helps muscles relax and contract; important in nerve functioning, blood clotting, blood pressure, immunity
  • PHOSPHOROUS - Important for healthy bones and teeth. Necessary or otherwise essential for every cell. Helps metabolism maintain pH balance.
  • SODIUM - Needed for proper fluid balance, nerve transmission, and muscle contraction.
  • CHROMIUM - Works closely with insulin to provide healthy and stable blood sugar levels.
  • COPPER - Trace mineral, part of many enzymes; needed for iron metabolism and other enzymatic processes.

Interest includes balanced diet (whole food and drink) as a more ideal means of supplementation. Whereby enjoying non-processed sources of nutrition, it’s thought that you may benefit from the more complete & natural forms of nutrients your body can use. Daily matcha is just one way of providing your body access to a wide range of concentrated nutrition and micronutrients as part of a balanced diet.

Additional Thoughts

There’s no such thing as the perfect diet, and currently, there aren’t any proven to ‘boost’ immunity, either. However, if we take steps to care for our nutrition and dietary habits, we may bring out the best of our natural immune system.

In the very least, it’s noticeable how many of the vitamins and minerals shared in matcha, as other healthy foods, do in fact influence our health. It’s clear that the countless mechanisms behind our physiology and metabolism rely on many different building blocks, like in matcha green tea (not above mentioned: proteins, amino-acids, polyphenols), in order to sustain good health.

The Bottom Line - Matcha as a Dietary Support 

Ensuring our bodies are supported with the building blocks they need, and especially that we are free of any major deficiencies, is one of the most fundamental steps in our collective wellness journeys. Whole foods and natural sources are preferred when possible, including matcha, which may help build our immunity, resilience, and overall well-being.

Alongside a balanced, diverse, and colorful diet, matcha green tea is only one manner to upgrade your intake of many essential nutrients. 

Granted, matcha might not have everything (e.g. vitamin D), but it does go surprisingly far to offer a daily source of fortified nutrition!

Not to mention all the other 'good stuff' matcha offers - jitter-free energy, and relaxation properties being highly ranked examples!




~ Drink matcha, level up, and stay calm! ~


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These statements in this blog post have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information provided here is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. It's essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any dietary or lifestyle changes.

[1] WHO, Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Situation Report—41.
[2] Blumberg, J. B., Frei, B., Fulgoni, V. L., Weaver, C. M., & Zeisel, S. H. (2017). Contribution of dietary supplements to nutritional adequacy in various adult age groups. Nutrients, 9(12), 1325.
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